Do you need to lose belly fat? Read on!
Lose Belly Fat Now!
2 Simple steps to REMOVE visceral belly fat (the DEADLIEST type).
We all agree that too much belly fat is both ugly and really, really bad for your health. However, vanity is not the problem here! So, learn the difference between subcutaneous fat and the more deadly “visceral fat”. Plus, discover the simple steps to lose belly fat permanently.
There are two types of belly fat:
- The first type that covers up your abs from being visible is called subcutaneous fat and lies directly beneath the skin and on top of the abdominal muscles.
- The second type of belly fat that you have is called visceral fat, and that lies deeper in the abdomen beneath your muscle and surrounding your organs. Visceral fat also plays a role in giving certain men that “beer belly” appearance where their abdomen protrudes excessively but at the same time, also feels sort of hard if you push on it.
Both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the belly are serious health risk factors. And, an over abundance of visceral fat is even more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. However, know that both types of belly fat greatly increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, various forms of cancer, and other degenerative diseases.
For details GO HERE for more information. Lose Belly fat now!
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How many of the following are you currently struggling with?
- Stubborn belly fat that will NOT go away, regardless of the diets you try
- Painful or uncomfortable bloating (especially after eating meals)
- Fat gain in strange places (chest in men, belly in ladies, for example)
- Painful joints
- Digestive issues (IBS, gas, stomach discomfort, constipation and/or diarrhea)
- Dry, aging skin & hair (looking older than you really are…)
- Energy swings (low energy before eating, high after… then crash)
- Constant craving of carbohydrates
- Trouble sleeping (can’t fall asleep and/or stay asleep)
- Moody and irritable if you get too hungry
- Indigestion
Discover exactly what to eat in a way that BOOSTS your metabolism, balances hormones, FIGHTS stubborn belly fat, heals your gut, and increases your energy, regardless of your “bad genetics”.
Now, most people think “whole wheat” is good for them. However, there are 3 reasons you should NEVER eat wheat — Yes, even “whole wheat”
- Wheat causes blood sugar disruption, Glycation of your cells, increases AGING, weight gain & boosts Diabetes risk
- Gluten and other gut-damaging compounds
- Antinutrients and mineral blockers in wheat
And, what about Vegetable Oils? Learn the details about the 3 reasons you should NEVER use Vegetable Oils…
- Vegetable oils usually contain deadly trans fats, even if non-hydrogenated
- Also, they contain oxidized “mutated fats” that are worse than trans fat & CAUSE heart attacks
- And, Vegetable oils cause massive imbalances with your Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats ratio
The TRUTH about sugar… You can’t just “burn off” sugar…
Here are just a few of the reasons that sugar is killing you…
- Previously, we talked about wheat (above). Additionally, sugar causes extreme fluctuations in your blood sugar, and excess blood sugar causes Glycation inside your body, which accelerates the rate of aging of your organs, skin, arteries, and joints .
- And, Sugar raises your triglycerides to dangerous levels, which can lead you to heart disease .
- If that weren’t bad enough, eating sugar too frequently also causes type 2 diabetes in the long run because you wear out your pancreas and insulin sensitivity.
- And if you need even MORE reasons why sugar will kill you, sugar also slows down your white blood cells , making infection more likely, and even allowing CANCER cellsa better chance to form in your body.
Here’s Your Simple Fat Loss Solution…so you can lose belly fat for good.
So how do you repair your damaged digestive system and start melting away your embarrassing belly fat , while also increasing your energy, & fighting joint pain?
- The simplest way is to get rid of the foods you now KNOW are damaging your system.
- Second, add “fermentable fibers” to your diet, which are also called prebiotics (sweet potato, yam, yucca, etc.) and eat a lot of fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and certain types of yogurt (but most yogurts found in your grocery store are simply milk with sugar and are NOT healthy) You can also supplement with probiotics, but make sure to start slow and build up.
- Third, better manage your stress through better sleep patterns, exercise, and breathing techniques. Stress is known to damage your gut , so the better you handle it, the healthier your gut will be.
- Fourth, start adding Turmeric to your diet, either with supplements or sprinkling the spice on your food. Turmeric aids your liver in flushing out the toxic substances that have been building there due to your damaged gut. It also fights dangerous inflammation
But, most importantly, you should get rid of those “health foods” causing you all those problems, and start consuming the ACTUAL foods that help you BURN stubborn belly fat , fix your hormones, fight against Diabetes, and help you look and feel YEARS younger…
Did you know that coffee lovers can also lose weight, simply by drinkin the best healthy coffee on the market?
- What is the best healthy coffee available? Check out Valentus Slim Roast Optimum blend of coffee. Amazingly, you can now turn your morning coffee into a healthy fat fighting, immune-building machine! In addition, it is also an energy drink that teaches your body to run on the fuel that it is designed to run on. So, what is the best, healthy coffee on the planet? Valentus SlimRoast Coffee!
- Now you can lose weight during the day and enjoy your favorite food pairings with you favorite wines from Dircet Cellars!
In any case, GO HERE to see the details of what is presented above. Then, get “The Fat Burning Kitchen” shipped to directly to you FREE:
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Discover How The Foods You’re Eating Every Day Are Making Your Fat Cells SICK …