Blockchain Technology and Investing – S&E Premier Products

Blockchain Technology and Investing – Could there be Blockchain Stock Supernova?

blockchain technology

Blockchain Technology

Once — maybe twice — in your life, an opportunity comes along that has the possibility of changing everything for you. What will you do if that opportunity is here now, right at this moment? Are you ready for it?

Yes, this could be one of those times. It’s not about Bitcoin…Ethereum…Litecoin…or Ripple.  And, it’s not about any of the other cryptocurrencies that became famous overnight in 2017. The REAL crypto boom has nothing to do with coins!

Global Game-Changer?

Blockchain Technology is a much bigger story.  It’s a HUGE story! The true Global Game-Changer is the Blockchain Technology behind Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency revolution.

Whispers about Blockchain Technology?

Maybe you’ve only heard small talk about blockchain technology. You might have heard some vague reference to it but didn’t take much notice of it. This is most likely what it was like when the internet first exploded on the scene back in the mid-1990s. It’s true value was unrecognized by many. But some really great entrepreneurs got it and went for it with gusto!

Blockchain Technology is the most important invention of the last 500 years!

Industry insiders are claiming that this technology will “revolutionize traditional banking and services.”  But, Blockchain Technology will revolutionize the Entire World Economy.

Think how much money could be at stake for investors who get in at the right time.  Could there be Blockchain Stock Supernova?

You should know by now that Blockchain Technology could be adopted by pretty much every industry you can think of. Especially, the Travel Industry! Think of XcelTrip with its airline and hotel reservation system already implemented. Heck, you can already have your own business with XcelTrip and be way ahead of the game. And much more to come! Basically, any product or service that is travel related will be offered in a “decentralized world.” In such a world, consumers pay less, and profits for the Airlines and Hotels are larger.

In addition to travel, look for changes in Banking, Cybersecurity, Education, Auto and Real Estate sales, Stock Trading, and even voting.

Think of how the internet changed our lives… and now magnify those changes tenfold for the Blockchain Technology world!  It’s the same idea: New tech is going to replace old, all across the globe – in a blink of an eye – at the flick of a switch.

This could hand early investors the chance to make a fortune in 2018 and beyond. There are likely to be many little-known blockchain stock opportunities listed for pennies a share. They may already be skyrocketing in value.

Most anything blockchain related — even remotely — is getting flooded with cash as soon as word gets out

In the second half of 2017 alone…

  • Longfin Corp. jumped +2,600% in 4 days…
  • 360 Blockchain shot up +200% in 6 days…
  • Riot Blockchain rocketed +109% in 3 days…
  • On-line Blockchain soared +238% in a SINGLE MORNING…

By now, some of the largest companies in the world have gotten a jump on the inevitable “blockchain technology revolution.”

  • IBM began the Open Ledger Project back in 2015. They’re promoting blockchain solutions for enterprises such as Accenture and JPMorgan Chase.
  • is building a blockchain-enabled platform that will act as a global property registry for an estimated 5 billion people worldwide.

Others companies are — right now — frantically searching for ways to adopt blockchain technology into their business model.

Especially Financial and Travel Services Companies.

Banks watched Bitcoin’s rise last year with extreme trepidation. See, blockchain technology showed that digital currency could work without them.

Now the banks are freaking out and investing millions to create their own “blockchain plan.”

Check this out:

  • Bank of America and HSBC — two of America’s largest banks — are part of a banking consortium that just invested $107 million in blockchain start-ups…
  • Wells Fargo and the Commonwealth Bank of Australia recently executed the first-ever cross-border transaction utilizing blockchain applications…
  • American Express is testing blockchain technology for processing payments…
  • Deutsche Bank is trialing a corporate-bond platform that uses smart contracts (another blockchain application) to issue and redeem bonds…

In fact, try to find a major bank that is NOT developing blockchain technology right now!

For more information about what the blockchain is and how it works, check it out HERE.