Enjoy Coffee, Health, Weight Loss, and more (with 2 cups a day) using this new Slim Roast Coffee! Amazingly, the coffee you drink every morning can actually taste great AND be healthy for you. We all know that it is not easy to lose weight. So many of us fight this battle each and every day.
Valentus wants to make it so much easier for you and for me.
It’s time to take our weight management to a whole other level. Discover how easy it is to lose weight with 2 cups a day of SlimROAST Optimum Dark Roast Coffee. Go Here to get started now with Coffee, Health, and Weight Loss using Slim Roast Coffee. Alternatively, take the free tour and learn how to have fun making money while you are enjoying Coffee, Health, and Weight Loss!
Now I can enjoy CoffeWine!
Now I can lose weight with my morning coffee and creamer, and enjoy making memorable moments matching my favorite foods with my favorite wines from Dircet Cellars!
SlimROAST Optimum Neurologic system for Optimum Performance consists of a “stack” (or group) of several independently performing nutrients working together. This “stack” is delivered to just the right places in the brain. The stack of nutrients includes circulatory support nutrients. This results in nitric oxide production and circulation (via vasodilation). Nitric Oxide and circulation are essential to optimize nutrient potential.
Stay in the perfect mood and reduce stress. Remain focused and alert all day. Organic, raw cacao has many benefits. It is a superfood comprised of a variety of unique phytonutrients, including high amounts of sulfur, magnesium and phenylethylamine. These properties help in the reduction of stress and also increase the sensation of fullness, reducing hunger and cravings. Cacao contains MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitor) which is able to reduce appetite by increasing serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain that help to decrease appetite and hunger.
So, stay in control of your cravings.
Because, by drinking SlimRoast Optimum Dark Roast coffee, you are in Control. Yes, you can Crush Your Cravings, even if you have failed to do so in the past. As you know, weight management is all about the control of your appetite. And, your Appetite is controlled by your cravings. But, your mind controls your cravings!
Fortunately for us, the brain actually has the ability to talk you out of those cravings!
In the past, too much attention has been paid to nutrition and exercise. Sadly, that the last component, behavior modification, is put far on the back burner. Of course, we are all aware of the “yo-yo” effect, right? Dieting and gaining weight back over and over again? Well, that is a result of failing to modify problematic behaviors. Regardless, if you’ve failed in your weight loss efforts in the past — you can do it this time by “CRUSHING CRAVINGS”!
A LOGICAL SOLUTION TO WEIGHT MANAGEMENT – Coffee, Health, Weight Loss all in One!
Unwanted body fat is lost when you feed yourself right fuel in the proper quantities. Lower your consumption of processed foods full of additives and artificial substances. You should switch to whole foods while lowering your salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats intake. It’s time to treat your body to what it needs not what it wants?
Formulated with natural appetite suppressants, feel good ingredients and detox components and powered by VASO6™ a Nitric Oxide, Antioxidant Booster for OptimumCirculation & Oxygen delivery. SlimROAST Optimum is the perfect addition to your weight loss management program! Not only will you find managing your weight with SlimROAST Optimum will produce exciting results, but you will love the taste of this delicious Dark Roast Coffee!
What is VAS06™?
Most Athletes understand the performance and nutrient delivery benefits of increased blood flow. VASO6™ is a new, natural, and patented ingredient for Nitric Oxide production and blood flow. VASO6™ is a proprietary green tea oligomer containing levels of specific vasodilation catechins found within the plant. How Much More Effective? 10X
Studies show that VAS06 leads to 50% Widening of blood vessels that results from relaxation of the muscular walls of the vessels, this process is call vasodilation. VASO6™ increases Nitric Oxide production, this results in Endothelian-dependent relaxation (EDR) which is valuable for delivering greater ATP production and power, as well as nutrient delivery. This results in Better Performance in the Gym.
Benefits of VAS06™
- Vasodilation
- Increases Nitric Oxide Production
- More efficient blood flow for ATP production and muscle recovery
- Superior nutrient delivery to muscles
- Antioxidant effect
Now get Healthy Coffee Creamer That Helps Weight Loss Focus And Energy Right here!!!!
Prevail KETO Creamer promotes “Natural” Ketogenesis, Liberates sugars stored in fat cells, Provides healthy fats for brain nourishment, Stimulates serotonin satiety, Improves mood, Dissolves instantly – no blender!
It also Tastes Great and Beats Hunger! Get Coffee, Health, Weight Loss all in one!
Added to SlimRoast Coffee, any other Coffee, or SlimRoast Hot Cocoa, Prevail KETO Creamer will get you to your goals faster and keep you healthy longer! How does it work? Prevail KETO Creamer offers a sugar-free addition to your daily cup of coffee, delivering healthy fats to enhance your ketosis and help you feel better than ever. Simply put, since ketosis takes fat and moves it into your bloodstream as bioavailable energy, this delicious creamer helps you turn fat into energy!
Take the free tour and learn how to have fun making money while you are enjoying Coffee, Health, and Weight Loss!
Coffee, Health, and Weight Loss
You should be picking up on the idea by now. Coffee and Health are now a great combination. It doesn’t mean you should live on coffee alone. But, a few healthy cups of coffee are proven to be good for you. You just have to dring the right coffee!
Also, coffee will help with weight loss, heart disease and many other health issues. Keep reading and see and the positive effects of coffee and health effects.
Coffee Makes You Smarter! Really? Well, we could all use more of that!
Caffeine stops the effects of an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain called adenosine. This actually increases neuronal firing in the brain and the release of other neurotransmitters like (dopamine and, norepinephrine) .
Coffee Makes You Less Moody!
- There are many studies in where caffeine has been proven to have positive on the brain. It temporarily improves your mood and increases your reaction time. Moreover, it improves memory, vigilance and, general brain function.
Coffee Helps in Weight Loss and athletic performance!!!
Caffeine raises your metabolism while also increasing the oxidation of fatty acids. It also improves athletic performance by mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues. In two separate meta-analyses, caffeine proves to increases your exercise performance by 11–12%, on average. Caffeine proves to raises your metabolic rate. and helps mobilize fatty acids from fat tissues. It can also enhance physical performance. So have a cup and give a toast to your Health. Get Coffee, Health, Weight Loss all in one!
Helps Fight Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle-related disease that has reached epidemic proportions. Diabetes has increased 10-fold in a few decades and now afflicts about 300 million people. It is now out of control and reaching epidemic proportions. It afflicts about 300 million people and is preventable. Type 2 diabetes produces high blood glucose levels due to insulin resistance or your body’s inability to produce insulin.
In observational studies, scientist associate coffee repeatedly with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. The reduction in risk varies from 25% all the way up to 65%. A massive review article looks at 18 studies including 457,922 participants or a wide rage of nationalities and regions. Each additional cup of coffee per day lowered the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 7%. Evidently, the more coffee people drink, the lower their risk is!!!!!
So in summary coffee and health is associates with a drastic reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes. People who drink several cups per day are the least likely to develop diabetes.
Sounds like it is worth a try, right? Coffee, Health, Weight Loss!
Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Also, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative disorder in the world. Furthermore, it is the leading cause of dementia and old age confusion. But, now you can help to protect your brain with an appropriate amount of quality coffee. In studies, coffee drinkers lower their risk of getting Alzheimer’s and Dementia by up to a 65%.
Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Parkinson’s Disease
Additionally, Parkinson’s is the second leader in neurodegenerative disorders. Tragically, it is described as the death of dopamine-generating neurons in the brain. But, the good news is that Coffee has been proven to lower your risk of Parkinson’s by 32–60%. Wow! Coffee sounds better all the time!
Coffee, Health, Weight Loss!
Coffee and Health in your liver?
The liver is a remarkable piece of the puzzle that makes our body work. Why? Because, it carries out hundreds of vital actions that your body desperatly needs. But, our liver suffers due to many modern dietary pitfalls. For example, consuming too much alcohol or fructose and many other poisons that we consume daily is bad for our liver. And, Cirrhosis is the end stage of liver damage caused by diseases like alcoholism and hepatitis. This is where scar tissue replaces the damage done.
But there is hope for our Liver!
However, multiple studies have shown that coffee helps lower your risk of cirrhosis by as much as 80%. Yes, those who drank 4 or more cups per day felt the strongest effect So, we know that Coffee also shows properties to lower your risk of liver cancer by around 40%.
Yes, I’ll gladly drink for copies of good coffee!
Reduces risk for premature death
There are so many people that still seem to have the idea that coffee is not healthy for you. However, it has been proven that coffee and health go hand-in-hand when used responsibly. That is good news for us coffee lovers! This really is not a surprise since it is very common for conventional wisdom to be at odds with what studies say. But coffee actually helps you live longer. In a far ranging, observational study, drinking coffee was associated with a much lower risk of death than other causes. This effect is particularly profound in people with type 2 diabetes.
- One study shows that coffee drinkers had a 30% lower risk of death during a 20-year period!
Coffee, Health, Weight Loss!
Loaded with Anti Oxidents
Fortunately, Coffee Is Loaded With Nutrients and Antioxidants. No, Coffee isn’t just really dark water. In fact, much of the nutrients in the coffee beans do make it to the final cut in the drink. So, this “dark water” actually contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
One cup of coffee contains………..
- 6% of the RDA for pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
- 11% of the RDA for riboflavin (vitamin B2)
- 2% of the RDA for niacin (B3) and thiamine (B1)
- 3% of the RDA for potassium and manganese
SO IN SUMMARY – Coffee, Health, Weight Loss
Yes, Coffee, Health, Weight Loss do go together if used responsibly and with the right products. As stated earlier, we discovered that coffee has a huge amount of several vitamins and minerals. And, it is also of the biggest sources of antioxidants in the modern diet.
Even though moderate amounts of coffee are good for you, drinking way too much of it is still harmful. Remember, some of the evidence could be much stronger. And, many of the above studies were observational in nature. Such studies can only show association. However, they cannot prove that coffee caused the benefits of these specific tests.