Best Wine Price?
How much should you spend on a bottle of wine?
Should you buy your wine from a wine-of-the-month club like Direct Cellars? Should you just stick with your lower-priced grocery store wine? That question is answered here. Look no farther.
I read an article recently in the June 16, 2018 digital version of Food & Wine Magazine concerning the best price point for Wine. The article was written by Alison Spiegel, someone who buys wine for a living. She is a NYC-based food, travel and lifestyle writer and editor with six years of experience working in digital media, and a degree from the International Culinary Center. Before her current role as the Deputy Digital Editor at Food & Wine Magazine, Ms. Spiegel worked at Tasting Table and The Huffington Post.
Alison Spiegel says her ideal day starts with a flaky croissant and ends with an oversized glass of red wine at a far-flung hotel bar. Sounds like someone we’d all like to know, huh? Anyway, I digress.
The information she passed along in her article prompted me to report on it here. An important question seems to be answered and I want to spread the word.
So, what is a reasonable price to spend your hard-earned money on to get a good bottle of wine? You need to know how much is too much, and how much is is too little (which is probably more important).
It doesn’t matter if you’re buying white, red, or rose’, this is a problem needing a solution for many of us. It certainly makes for a good debate! 😊
Best Wine Price? But for What Kind of Wine? 
Master Sommelier and Whole Foods wine buyer Devon Broglie answered this question at this year’s Food & Wine Classic held in Aspen.
- “A good bottle of wine should cost you between $15 and $25 a bottle to get your best value.”
Except he is talking about the wine’s retail value. It is not wine club member pricing by any stretch of the imagination. And it is certainly not best value by any means. You are about to learn the best wine price for an outstanding value!
Now, the article does not say if he is referring to wine found in Grocery Stores, your other local stores, or your fine wines found in boutique vineyards. I suspect he’s talking about the wines available to everyone locally. And he clearly says he is talking about RETAIL WINES.
Best Wine Price for Best Value?
And by value, we mean fine, boutique wines!
Do you think you can get bottles of fine wines from boutique vineyards around the globe for $25 a bottle? (Hint: Yes you can, but more on that below.)
So, it’s safe to say, Mr. Broglie is talking about your mass-produced wines found in your favorite grocery or other local store.
And Mr. Broglie says that $12 is the bottom line for your local wines. Maybe if you like simple sangria, who knows?
He says the sweet spot for value is $15 to $25 a bottle at your local stores.
Wine is Trending Upward, and doing so at a rapid pace!
What is noteworthy is that the price people are paying today for these local wines is more than they were paying 10 years ago. Today people spend well over what it was even three years ago.
Today, more wine is purchased in the U.S. than beer! And it is trending higher. Not only that, however. The “Wine Delivered Directly to the Consumer” is trending upward as well. Which is why more and more wine-of-the-month clubs are sprouting up all the time. These clubs are still in the early, bottom floor opportunity!
Our Master Sommelier says the newest generation of drinkers is interested in authenticity and quality and purpose. And I agree with him. This is wonderfully perfect!
So, if buying red, white, or pink, we all want our dollars to stretch more than the minimum price, right?
And Direct Cellars brings you just that. Visit our Fine Wines page and learn much more about Direct Cellars!
Best Wine Price? How about $22.50/bottle for fine, boutique wines?
The average bottle of wine in this wine-of-the-month club costs around $22.50, which includes delivery to your front door! And we are talking about boutique fine wines from around the globe! So, I think we got best wine price established.
- Direct Cellars negotiates solely on our behalf with their wine buyers in over 10 countries. Together, they partner with top wineries to select our premium wines they know we will love. They purchase FINE WINES directly from these wineries and make the selections “Direct Cellars Premium Brands“. No need for winery labels here. I think we have best wine value covered also!
- Our wines come to us from all around the world and Direct Cellars always puts that extra effort into it to ensure it is wonderful. Steve Burch, their Director of Winemaking, leads a team of EXPERT WINEMAKERS. Steve makes sure every wine is handled with care, blended and aged with precision, and bottled beautifully for us to enjoy.
Imagine learning about these wineries around the world. Think about visiting them in your travels of adventure and romance (And book through XcelTrip!). I’m so enjoying tasting these great, fine wines with Siegi also! It creates memorable experiences for us both.
- Join Direct Cellars as a VIP Customer and choose 2, 4, or 6 bottles/month.
- Register as a Brand Partner, and choose between two levels: Premium Wine Lover or Premium Wine Lover Elite
Start your very own business today. We provide free training and amazing resources to build your business. For more information and a video, go here to our Fine Wines Page.